Connection Between ADHD and Headaches

Connection Between ADHD and Headaches

ADDitude just announced in their newsletter that there is a very high possible connection between ADHD, migraines and headaches. “Research shows that people with ADHD are at greater risk for experiencing headaches, including migraines. And the connection goes both ways — poor sleep and self-care linked to ADHD may lead to headaches, and headaches can worsen ADHD challenges”
How ADHD Can Cause Headaches:
Children with ADHD are twice as likely to experience headaches as those without ADHD and are at a greater risk for migraines. Migraines may be directly linked to ADHD risk, with migraines occurring around 35% of the time in adult patients. Researchers suggest that headaches may be biologically linked to ADHD and stem from shared pathophysiological mechanisms related to dopaminergic dysfunction.
ADHD alone, especially untreated, affects quality of life, leading to stressful environments and scenarios that trigger headaches. Examples of symptoms include time-management difficulties, irregular sleep schedules, disorganization, increased risk for concussions and head injuries, and post-concussion headaches. Headaches are a common side effect of ADHD medications, such as loss of appetite and trouble sleeping. ADHD often co-occurs with anxiety and mood disorders, which are also linked to headaches and migraines. Sleep problems and disorders are also highly prevalent in ADHD.
Did You Know Migraines and Headaches Can Aggravate ADHD Symptoms?
Headaches exacerbate ADHD symptoms, leading to stress and worsening existing issues. Migraine headaches can cause missed school or work, exacerbate time-management issues, and cause drowsiness, affecting executive functioning. Migraines increase anxiety, mood disorders, and sleep quality.
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