Crystal For Energy and Motivation

Crystal For Energy and Motivation

Tonight, I would like to go over nine different crystals for energy and motivation. Energy is an essential to anyone’s day and/or activity whether physical or nonphysical. Mental and emotional energy is just as real as the need for physical energy. When we think of energy, we are aware that it is with energy that we are able to act on and complete tasks at hand. But what gives us the desire to complete our tasks? 

Motivation is also very essential for us to complete our tasks at hand. Without motivation it would be very difficult to mindlessly spend our energy. 

Motivation is crucial for maintaining focus and overcoming setbacks, as without it, efforts to achieve goals may be forgotten due to lack of interest or passion.

Let’s start with the crystal Quartz

Quartz crystals are a potent healing tool that boost energy and motivation. They can be kept with you or placed in your home, supporting positive thoughts and actions. Meditation with quartz crystals can increase clarity and focus on motivational thoughts, absorbing negative energy and filling empty spaces with positive vibrations.


Pyrite, a potent stone, boosts motivation and energy in the mind. Its gold color symbolizes the sun, refocusing and energizing the mind. Pyrite is associated with self-confidence, creativity, and emotional strength, promoting focus and persistence in challenging situations.


Carnelian, a powerful tool, is a natural remedy for fatigue, depression, and lack of enthusiasm. It can be worn as jewelry or worn in pockets, promoting energy and motivation, and enhancing the overall workspace environment.

Herkimer diamonds

Herkimer diamonds offer natural magnification, enhancing intention and motivation. They aid in clarity of goals and focus on present moment. Prior to use, cleanse with water or cleansing herbs to remove negative energies.

Tiger's eye

Tiger's eye, an earthy, grounding stone, is beneficial for both the mind and body. Use appropriate size stones for power and focus, and wear them around the neck or pocket to maintain contact.


Sunstone works by connecting with the sun's energy, boosting self-confidence and reducing negative emotions. It inspires ideas, encourages action, and emits positive vibrations, lifting people out of sadness or depression. The natural light within the crystal promotes optimism, allowing focus on the future.


Citrine, a quartz with motivating properties, can boost energy levels in everyday life. Its bright yellow color symbolizes radiance and joy, making it ideal for those feeling down. To use citrine, set an intention and visualize yourself surrounded by orange light, boosting motivation.

Lemon quartz

Lemon quartz is a gemstone that enhances motivation and energy by attracting and replacing negative energies with positive ones. It cleanses the mind, provides purpose, security, and boosts personal power, boosting confidence and determination. Lemon quartz aids in achieving balance and success in difficult tasks.


Jade offers motivation and energy, promoting physical, mental, and emotional balance. Wearing jade jewelry provides a calming presence, boosting focus and strength. Wearing jade on your desk or workspace provides sustaining energy throughout the day, enabling you to achieve your objectives.

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